Download The Netsuke book
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Date: 13.08.2012
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Аthor: Anna Austen Leigh
I Netsuke sono piccole sculture di solito in avorio o in legno la cui origine risale probabilmente al XV secolo . Queste piccole sculture erano forate da due buchi
International Netsuke Society Forums
Netsuke Elfenbein
The Netsuke
Netsuke - Wikipedia, the free.Netsuke, Inro, Sagemono | SAGEMONOYA
Netsuke (根付 ?) are miniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function (the two Japanese characters ne + tsuke mean "root AFE Klefisch GmbH
The Netsuke
Netsuke - Wikipedia
Netsuke, Inro, Sagemono | SAGEMONOYA
The only antique netsuke gallery in Japan, SAGEMONOYA deals exclusively in genuine Japanese netsuke, inro, pipecases, ojime, yatate and bokuto.
Werken und schaffen des Kuenstlers in der Netsuke / Holzschnitzereien